Company's history

Where it all begins!
Éric Veilleux and Maxime Tremblay founded Maerix and incorporated the company. Their motivation was to provide management solutions for hazardous materials that are efficient, simple and ingenious, as no other organization does.

Up & Running in
Having set themselves up rudimentary premises in Saint-Eustache in the province of Quebec, the two accomplices went into full swing on the creative process of the Sym2dut software program. The work hours were long and hard, but when the first clients showed interest, they were immediately blown away by the novel software that had been created. By the end of the year, companies were already using Sym2dut to manage their MSDS needs.

The Sainte-Adele Chapter
In the Spring of 2001, Maerix establishes temporary headquarters in the city of Sainte-Adele while waiting for the renovation of new premises in La Rolland Business Park, a Technology Park that lies on the historical site of the old Rolland Papermill. As the waters of the nearby Riviere du Nord kept flowing strongly and constantly, so did the number of clients. Sym2dut is upgraded to better versions and several major enhancements are made to the software.

The Birth of Smaat
Settled in their new location since april 12th 2002, Éric and Maxime get started on another 'old' project. The Smaat software dreams turn into reality and Smaat becomes the second Environment, Health and Safety management software in Maerix's product range.

A Healthy Growth Pattern
The year 2003 sees a continuous increase in the number of customers and satisfied users. Maerix adds a new service to its repertoire: data entry and Material Safety Data Sheet updates. The Maerix team grows. Well-known Canadian employers chose Sym2dut as their preferred method of MSDS management.

Change in administration
Maxime leaves the company for new challenges... It’s the beginning of significant changes in the way Maerix does business.

Maerix worldwide!
Maerix switches to SaaS mode (Software as a Service), hires qualified employees and aquires cutting edge computer systems in order to render all applications available on the internet.

Thanks to major investments and changes, Maerix lands its first international client. The following years prove that Maerix has the knowledge and expertise to secure a prominent place around the globe.

Sustained Growth
With sustained growth, being attentive to our valued customers needs and major investments, Maerix start the new adventure of custom development. Our goal is to eliminate monster Excel spreadsheets in businesses.

Socially responsible
Maerix has been aware, since the beginning, of its impact on the environment and decided to get involved in protecting a fragile ecosystem unique in Quebec. Thus, not only did the clearcutting cease but it also allowed the company to capture the equivalent of its greenhouse gas emissions.

Maerix's 10th anniversary
Since its foundation, Maerix keeps growing every year and it has always been important to have the best team of professionals. They know how to meet the many daily challenges of creation, implementation and management of our EHS and HR solutions. Maerix crossed another milestone by celebrating its 10th anniversary and prepares to make 2010 its biggest year ever !

More and more customers
Maerix tops the 200 customers and inaugurates its new server room equipped with cutting-edge technology to meet the needs of its customers.

Independent in technology
After thorough analysis, Maerix made a major change by developing its own online platform. Maerix controls 100% of its products and services, and thus holds a unique expertise.

Being responsible in an environmental way
The company is strongly committed to sustainable development and uses its profits to acquire and shelter over 19 hectares of Quebec’s forests. Spread over two protected areas, Maerix wants to share this Carbon Credit reserve with its numerous collaborators, as well as its current and future clients. On average, it takes the planting or protection of 24 trees to compensate for a light vehicle’s CO2 emissions for a one-year period.

The big move
To meet its expansion, Maerix acquired a new building to establish its offices. Located in Piedmont, Maerix team has an exceptional work environment fostering the creation of new solutions.

A new visual signature for
the 15th anniversary
Maerix crossed another milestone by celebrating its 15 years of business. The whole team is united and celebrates this great accomplishment. After several months of continuous efforts of development in partnership with Cirque du Soleil, Maerix officially launches Synapse. This new training, knowledge and skills management software/LMS has an immediate hit with its distinctive visual signature and its features simplifying all aspects of training related management.

What's new?
With the arrival of the new global regulation of the GHS and to meet the ever-growing needs of our customers, Maerix conducts a complete overhaul of Sym2dut the hazardous materials management software. This software now bears the name of Paratox Pro.
Maerix develops and markets another new software! Jobarix, our preventive analysis software enables you to analyze every risk in relation to a task, a piece of equipment or a workstation. It discloses all hazards and implements control measures to reduce risks to workers and the environment.